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Klein Will Do Lady Gaga's Next Video



Can Steven Klein Do Lady Gaga’s ‘Alejandro’ Video Justice?

Can Steven Klein Do Lady Gaga’s ‘Alejandro’ Video Justice?

Photo: Mike Marsland/WireImage


Steven Klein will reportedly direct the video for Lady Gaga's next single, "Alejandro," even though her next single should probably really be "Monster," but whatever. She'll probably make no less of a spectacle of herself with the "Alejandro" phase, especially with her faux Spanish accent, which sounds ridiculous on the track mixed with her faux forties movie accent. However, Klein is primarily a fashion photographer, and Gaga has relied on video directors for her past videos. She hired Jonas Ackerlund for the epic "Paparazzi" and "Telephone" videos, and music-video and film director Francis Lawrence did the "Bad Romance" video (which we actually slightly prefer to the "Telephone" video, if only for the McQueen).

Klein's recent video credits include a viral short for Madonna's D&G sunglasses campaign. However, he could be a good fit for "Alejandro" because, as we saw not too long ago in W, he knows how to make Latin men look good. But this being Gaga, she's likely to not do a literal interpretation of the single for the video. After all, what did the "Telephone" video concept have to do with the song? They danced a little bit and talked on telephones, but that was about it. The rest just looked like something she felt like doing because she had a big budget and could. It will be interesting to see if, for the Alejandro phase, she finds a Jesus Luz of her own to cart around with her, kind of like how she wore a telephone on her head while promoting "Telephone."

Steven Klein Said Shooting Lady Gaga Video [WWD]


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