LA DA Refusing to Interview MJ's Bodyguards & Charge Dr Murray with 2nd Degree Murder!
To Everyone that Loved Michael Jackson and his music;
The DA of LA & the police in the investigation against Dr Conrad Murray are refusing to interview Michael Jackson's Security guards that were at his house the night he was MURDERED. The Security guards have had to hire an attorney in the attempt to try and make them do their legal job to do so so that Murray will be charged with second degree murder. The security guards witnessed Dr Murray leave Michael Jackson to die in the middle of the night and did not come back to the house until over 4 hours later. Dr Murray did not give Michael Jackson 5 different psychiatric drug sedatives throughout the night. That is a lie. He did it all at once. Any doctor knows that if you give someone 5 different psychiatric sedative drugs within 9 hours anyway it will cause brain neurological damage to that patient. Especially all at once. Then on top of that to make sure he died he gave him propofol an anesthetic for surgery which will cause a vegetable state and or death with those 5 other sedatives. Then he left him unattended for four hours. And there was no defibrillator in the room to revive his heart. He was doing CPR on a bed and not on the floor?
Any doctor knows you need to do CPR on the floor or hard surface and knows that you need monetary equipment and cant leave a patient unattended for four hours.
Then Murray fled the scene again and was not at the hospital either and made the doctors at the hospital and Jermaine Jackson tell the world MJ was dead.
The DA and police are refusing to interview them cause they are witnesses to Michael's pre meditated murder. The DA and police are protecting
Dr Murray cause they are happy Michael Jackson is dead. They didn't kill him four years ago. He did them a favor.
If you don’t want to stand for this injustice please write to
DA Steve Cooley
District Attorney's Office
County of Los Angeles
210 West Temple Street, Suite 18000
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3210
Demand to have Dr Conrad Murray arrested for Second Degree Murder and Demand the DA and police to do their legal responsible job to interview all the witnesses that night at Michael Jackson's home especially including all his security guards and use their testimony to convict Dr Murray of second degree murder.
write letters to Taaj Malik at
and she will be printing them, collecting them, and giving them to Katherine Jackson Michael Jackson's Mother and Geraldine Hughes or Brian Oxman ( The Jackson’s family attorney) to give to the Judge in pleading to have Conrad Murray Charged with Second Degree Murder.
Thanks for your help.
Evil runneth over!
Michelle Basart
Portland Oregon USA
DA Steve Cooley
District Attorney's Office
County of Los Angeles
210 West Temple Street, Suite 18000
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3210
Telephone (213) 974-3512
Fax (213) 974-1484
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