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Madonna quotes!!!Part 3



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·         "I pay attention to what’s going on around me. I’m always looking for new energy, new talent, new voices. When you do that I think it’s easier to come up with fresh ideas. It's not that my career has been based on surprising people, but it’s been about challenging myself — to constantly do new things that are going to broaden my own mind and in the process, hopefully, connect with other people." Parade magazine 24 June 2008

  • "Family is everything. Family comes first. It's not what I expected it to be, but nothing ever is." [28] (In Brilla Mare Ariake ads)
  • "I'm not going to compromise my artistic integrity." (Spoken in her documentary Truth or Dare.)
  • "I went to New York. I had a dream. I wanted to be a big star. I didn’t know anybody. I wanted to dance. I wanted to sing. I wanted to do all those things. I wanted to make people happy. I wanted to be famous. I wanted everybody to love me. I wanted to be a star. I worked really hard and my dream came true." (Spoken at the beginning of the Virgin Tour concert video).
  • I haven't got much time to waste
    It's time to make my way
    I'm not afraid of what I'll face
    But I'm afraid to stay. (Lyrics from
  • "The cross is a very powerful symbol and it symbolizes suffering, but it also is connected to a person who was loving and sharing and his message was about unconditional love. I tried to take a powerful image and use it to draw attention to a situation that needs attention. For me, we all need to be Jesus in our time. Jesus' message was to love your neighbor as yourself and these are people in need." Explaining the controversial crucifixion scene in her Confessions tour
  • "I fear the future I wish for my children is at risk, so I'm taking action. Please join me. Our greatest risk is not terrorism, and it's not Iraq or the "Axis of Evil". Our greatest risk is a lack of leadership, a lack of honesty and a complete lack of consciousness. Unfortunately our current government cannot see the big picture. They think too small. They suffer from the “what's in it for me?” syndrome. The simple truth is that the current administration has squandered incredible opportunities to bring the world together, to promote peace in regions that have only known war, to encourage health in places that are ravaged with disease, to make us more secure by living up to our principles at home and abroad. The simple truth is that the policies of our current administration do not reflect what is great about America." From Madonna's open letter about the War in Iraq & the Bush administration
  • "Maybe I'm just a gay man inside a woman's body!" (Talking to Michael Parkinson in November '05 interview)
  • "I don't care if you have a small dick, as long as you know how to use that stick." (From The Girlie Show)
"Hey you! Don't be silly! Put a rubber on your willie!" (Poem written for AIDS P.S.A


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