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Brand New Icon Contest - "Celebration Fan Pack Contest"




Madonna's 'Celebration' album has been in stores for almost 2 months now, and we are still dancing away to it! The album includes many of Madonna’s biggest hits from 'Everybody' to 'Miles Away', in addition to the two new tracks 'Celebration' and 'Revolver' - it spans more than 2 decades of Madonna Mania!

When it comes to Madonna songs, we all have our all-time favourites picks and the related souvenirs (remember the Madonna collection contest?) Today, Icon would like for you to share your thoughts on them with all of us!  You won't have to make it a review of the album, what we need from you is to pick 5 songs out of the album's tracks listing and to explain why you've chosen those and what they mean to you as an Iconer. Time for a trip down memory lane! Where were you when each of those songs were released? Why did you fell in love with them? Did they help you? Did they bring on any changes in your life? Did they just make you wanna dance? It's time for you to let us know!
The best reviews will be published in a future issue of Icon Magazine and 5 of them will be selected on a random basis for their authors to receive one of our 'Celebration Fan Pack', which includes the following releases:

- 18 tracks CD album
- 36 tracks 2-CD album
- 36 tracks Japanese 2-CD album
- 36 tracks Taiwanese 2-CD album
- 47 tracks 2-DVD digipack
- 47 tracks Taiwanese 2-DVD set

Are you ready to play with us? Make sure to read the below rules before doing so!


* This contest is open to current Platinum members only.
* Pick 5 songs out of the 36 featured on the 2-CD album and create an essay explaining why you've chosen them and what they mean to you.
* Copy and paste your essay in an e-mail (No attachments allowed)
* One entry/essay per member.
* Submit your entry to:

EMAIL: icon@moov-u-mail.com
SUBJECT: Celebration Fan Pack Contest

* Include your full member info: full name, username, mailing address, e-mail address and phone number.
* Deadline for entries: Sunday, December 6th, 2009 @ 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Good luck to you all!


can't wait my fellow Iconers:D

So....Who's gonna take part?:):):):)


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