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In my hallucination

I saw my Beloved's flower garden

In my vertigo

In my dizziness

In my drunken haze

Whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel


I saw myself as the source of existence

I was there in the beginning

And I was the Spirit of Love

Now I am sober

There is only the hangover

And the memory of love

And only the sorrow

I yearn for happiness

I ask for help

I want mercy


And my Love says

"Look at me and hear me

Because I am here just with that"


I am your moon and your moonlight too

I am your flower garden and your water too

I have come all this way eager for you

Without shoes or shawl


I want you to laugh

To kill all your worries

To love you

To nourish you


Oh the sweet bitterness

I will soothe you and heal you

I will bring you roses

I too have been covered with thorns



Written by Rumi

Edited by Deepak Chopra

Read by Madonna


A Gift Of Love, the album

A Gift Of Love - Music inspired by The Love Poems of Rumi


In the 13th century Persian poet Rumi (named after the city where he lived) composed works of mysticism and desire that inspired countless people in his own time and throughout the centuries. His poems expressed the deepest longings of the human heart for its beloved, for that transcendent intimacy which is the source of the divine.

Deepak ChopraContemporary spiritualist Deepak Chopra got inspired by Rumi's Love Poems and asked several celebrities to read them to music. Among them are Demi Moore, Goldie Hawn, Martin Sheen, Debra Winger and of course Madonna. Madonna choose the poem Bittersweet.

Devoted Madonnafan Barney Medunic also used an acapella version of the track for his great (unofficial) remix Whirling and Dancing, which was very popular on Napster.


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