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I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Queen with all my heart! And I´ve done so from 1984. I travel abroad just to see all tours. So please dont get me wrong with this post.

I love the song Celebration and have been checking the internet daily just to see whats new regarding the video and maybe catch a glimpse.

And now the day is here! And boy - what a disaster! Im so sad! The video totally kills the song!

Im from Sweden so i should love Jonas Åkerlund and everything he does. But he´s gone totally wrong with this video.
The only hip and up to date thing is Lourdes and her AWESOME moves! Go Lola! You ROCK! :)

When i heard it was shot in Dolce & Gabbanas club i thought ....
1. Clubby feeling. Lots of perfect strobing disco lights upon a dark dance floor with Madonna in a really awesome dark hair do or somet cool cut weve never seen her before. Dark red maybe? But no - she chose my grandmas wig. Even Tyra Banks has better weaves than that. And this is MADONNA! She should shoot the person responsible for that wig.
2. And the dress. Come on! It looks like something Lady GaGa´s maid sleeps or cleans in. Makes her look sooo old.
3. The wall dancing - again - and again - and again. Why? Why? Why? Why? You are MADONNA! You are the Queen of reinvention! Not Queen of recycling! I totally agree with Joseph Kahn. Mr Åkerlund just KILLED the song Celebration for me. SO SAD! I wanna cry!

I will always love you and i will forgive you for this sad video but PLEASE call Joseph Kahn and get a fantabulous video for Celebration. The song totally deserves it!

Love you!


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