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My Class Reunion



I thought I would tell you of my experience at my 40th class reunion in 2007. I had made plans to be ready for my class reunion having everything done I wanted to get done before it took place. I had my nose,face,teeth and boobs done my nose and face was minor stuff done my teeth took a year to complete the smile is everything. I had my boob job about done 1 1/2 months before my class reunion. The one thing that really sucked my class reunion was the same Sat. as SCC and I made arrangements to fly from Atlanta to Washington that day but I just had to make my 40th class reunion as the new me. I had my boy friend Gordon escort me to my reunion and I made him put a suit on I bought him. I had a friend buy me a beautiful dress for the reunion and we got to Frederick,MD about 2PM enough time to dress and get there.We got there and I had one of the girls I went to school with at the registration desk say oh its you I have three badges for you because I was not sure how you wanted to do this. She had my old name with picture my old name and no picture and my new name so I went with my new name. Gordon said who knew you well I said a lot so he taps a girl I went to school with and said do you remember her. I thought god but she looked so confused at first then her jaw dropped lol. I next went up to a real good friend from school and asked do you remember me he looked me up and down and said no with a puzzled look but when I told him my name he backed up and said no F ing way lol. He then turned to his 4th wife I think lol and told her I was the one he had told her about from school you would believe it. He asked if I had my old picture from high school I said wait so I went and got the name tag that had my old picture and took it back to show her. She looked at my old picture and me a few times and said wow I can't believe it you look beautiful (She a friend now lol).I found a place to sit down and it was beside another old friend but he seened very cool about it maybe he had some inside information on me lol. I was looking around and saw a old macho buddy of mine so I went over to see if he knew me. I said to him do you remember me. He looks me up and down and said no sweety wished I did though. I bend over to show him my old name and picture and his jaw drops open gets up looks me up and down again and says my god your beautiful lol. We were standing there talking for a little and a slow song came on. This is before anyone got up to dance he takes my hand pulls me on to the dance floor and starts dancing with me holding me very tight as he does. He keep telling me who beautiful I looked and after the dance he took my face with both hands and kissed me on my lips. I thought wow and his wife was there too. Later I was dance by myself and his wife and the wife of another macho guy I knew came up to me and said we're jealous of you you have bigger boobs and your make-up is so nice. Wow I thought unbelievable to have females come up and tell me they are jealous of how good I look and through the evening I had quite a few come up and tell me how strong I was to do this and had a lot of respect. Another thing that amazed me was my ex-wife yes she was there too but she came up to Gordon and introduced herself to him and told his to be good to me and treat me right. My reunion was amazing and never thought I would get as many compliments as I did and I'm sure I will be the talk of that reunion for a long time.




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