My name is Lisa I am a Roma gypsy living in New Jersey. I attend and am a member of Calvary Lighthouse Church in Lakewood, NJ and I am asking if Madonna or if anyone who is interested in the Gypsy culture will assist us in our mission. Some members from our church including the pastor is planning to go on a missions trip in late September to assist Roma Gypsies mentally, physically, and spiritually. We will be helping them to build churches and homes for the Romas. We also will help them to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Since the Romas are severely discriminated because of their race, they live in huts and go to the restroom outside because they have no sewer. They have no schooling and are abused and abandoned because of their nationality. Since I heard about Madonna making the speech about her hurt for the Romas, I am asking if you can contact Madonna or if you would like to help us to build homes and and churches. If you would like to send money by check to Calvary Lighthouse, it will be tax deductible.You can contact the church by email at Any type of help would be greatly appreciated.
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