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Bucharest concert



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feedback for the Bucharest concert (Romania)

1 . she is not a professional artist: if you are planning to let your audince wait 1 hour after the artist that openned your show....be prepared to hear jeers. if you respect your fans, you announce the programme, you do something...you just don't let the to stear at an empty stage

2. she is not a performer: everybody knows that she doesn't have a great voice (never did) but that she entertains: not the case for the Bucharest show. Beside some lights and some movies ...the rest was basic, not what you would aspect from the so called "Queen of pop"....and i hope she pays great money to her baking singers and her dancers....they all the work

3. check your fact before you make a statement, you ay offend your fan with some affirmations - like the case of the gypsies. the correct word for gypsy = "romanes", wich is different then "romanians" = the people that live in ROMANIA. those were jeers...!!!

so, as a conclusion: don't come back, because i do not think you will fool again some many people.

her concert ws supposed to be the greatest concert in Romania.....not even close.

Michael J ---he was a true artist, had talet (voice & show), respect for his fans...

Rolling Stones - man!!! what show!!

Depeche Mode --- super!! made me a "beliver"

may be would be a great idea for someone to STOP you. for me, she is GAME OVER



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