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My thoughts after the S&S blu ray!



We were lucky in Israel to get the S&S dvd/blu ray on March 23rd, and after getting my copies and watching them, I was really  joyful, after some days of being a little bit sick and with some problems, let's say that it made me forget the problems and smile once more! OMG the backstage shown is really nice, lots of good energy, charisma and good vibes going  on while putting up the whole show.

I don't dare saying the S&S tour was my favourite but yes, while watching it I felt that energy again, that same energy you feel every time you see her on stage and that thrills us once and again. I won't deny that this DVD is somehow special for me, I'm from Argentina, and seeing the crowd singing (lots of friends among them), enjoying, cheering M, jumping,  feeling emotional made me feel a little bit proud. HOWEVER I couldn't help thinking about all the souls I've met on the way in one way or another... those fans that make you feel that you are not alone 'in the cause' (!!), fans that  regardless of country, origin, age made me feel very proud and of whom I've learnt a whole lot!  and YES  I've  loved each and every show of the tour, in all the places it took place. Every venue had something special and unique, that's why I wouldn't be arrogant to say Buenos Aires was the best, or Israel, or London, each one had its magic.  

Thanks M for this tour, for your music, your talent and drive, and for: Steve Foster (UK), Valentina and Greta (Italy), Kel (USA), Kevin and Ale (2 incredible partners in the queue from London), Asimina and Elina (Greece)- Andre ( Brazil), Stefania (Romania- I will never forget when I saw this tiny girl at the airport), Jenny (uk), David my KON(France), Dan Burk, Fabio Gison (Italy- magical, a complete talented sweetheart), Johann (Peru), Willie Wanker (La Isla Bonita!), Mate (Bulgary)-Elisa- Ceci- Franck-Matias- Vicky (my beloved one!!! Argentina)- Oscar (the finest artist)- Kevin E. (France)- Avihay-Moshiko- Oren- Gavriela- Illy- Mor- Michal T.- Ofer- Michal S- (Israel)- Oscar (Ecuador)- Thomas (Germany/Barcelona)-Gus Rey y Martin Ceballos (Buenos Aires- Arg)-Margherita and Consuelo (Italy)- Israel/Izzy (Aussie fan!)- Laura Brandini (dressed as M in She's not me in Milano)- Marcelito P. (L.A/USA)- Mikey (NS)- Julie !!! (Mexico)- Alyssa (US)- Nano - Diego Genta S- Ema- Matias A. (Argentina)- Diego "dito' & Lautaro (Chile)- Dario (Paraguay/ NYC- a great friend!)- Mate (Hungary)- Madiva!! (NYC)- Dimitris (Greece)- Naouel (France)- Sari- Victor Ciccone- Florencia Magnasco (Argentina)- Anselm (London)-Rakelin (Spain)- Javi Rojo (Malaga- Spain)- Josie (Ontario)- Maria ( Greece)-Rachel (Ohio)-Idan (Israel)- Susana (Venezuela)- Lizzie, Linda, Sami, Barbara,Kate ... and so many others! (sorry If I don't mention everyone! I know the majority of them in person, others I know I will soon, and it's always a pleasure!)-

Ok, seems a bit emotional but yes, this was the sensation I had after watching the show at home, a tour which touched so many cities and which made us "get together".... KEEP IT TOGETHER FOREVER AND EVER!!!

 love u guys,



S&S blu ray images



MY copies (blu ray/dvd)- israel


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