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  1. If she never does another show again it will be too soon. I cannot believe how she treats fans... I cannot believe more people are not outraged at her lack of respect for fans. This chick is unreal. Shows up 2, 3, 4 hours late all the time... Yells at fans. I used to be a fan until she came through Charlotte and I paid to see her... Only for her I show up 3 hours late with no apology. She was so late I was unable to see the entire show. Only saw an hour of it. That's for wasting my time and money. What a Diva... she is a joke. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/12/21/madonna-threatens-smokers-chile_n_2344902.html?utm_hp_ref=email_share
  2. Alan/Antara - Appreciate your response and perspective. I will say that not all of us have the luxury of not looking at our watches. Some of the thousands of people at the concert have jobs (maybe multiple), obligations, children, etc... Maybe some had babysitters that they told would be back by midnight (and those babysitters needed to be at class on Friday morning). Other people have lives too, not everyone has the luxury to be on MDNA Standard Time. People took time out of busy schedules to go to see her perform with an expectation that the concert would begin at 8pm. I don't find it acceptable to show up 3 hours late... Ever (without some sort of explanation and apology). I have been to many (100+) concerts and 15-20 minutes late has been the max I have ever been made to wait... And those were followed by an immediate apology and some sort of explanation (like a normal person who actually cares would do). We can agree to disagree and if you are happy with people that show up late and treated as if you don't matter... that is your right. But in my opinion it is disrespectful and upsetting that somebody people would paid so much to see perform does not care about her fans time. I just feel I have a responibility to mention this to those who are thinking of spending their hard earned money... or actually have schedules/responsibilities... to consider Madonna's lack of interest in their time. She does not care if they miss half her show because she decided to arrive 3 hours late and they made a commitment to somebody else that they would be back by midnight (and they actually keep their commient out of respect for the other persons time/life). I just feel they can spend their money elsewhere and actually have a great experience. As I left the concert I immediately regretted giving her a dime... I wish I would have given that money to the local Children's Hospital or purchased thanksgiving dinner for local families in need.
  3. I have been a fan of Madonna's for a long time. Growing up in Michigan, I had a always heard how she was from the city just west of me and I had a lot of admiration for her, as she had become so successful. I remember when 'Like a Virgin' was released and how my Catholic parents would not allow me or my siblings to have anything to to with Madonna. Could not listen to her music, purchase albums, or watch her videos. So, my sister and I would only hear her songs if at a friends house. We really enjoyed her music and would listen to it whenever we got a chance. As you can guess I was never able to attend a Madonna concert growing up... Then I moved to Charlotte, NC 12 years ago and she has never been to Charlotte... Until yesterday (11/15/2012). I heard this months ago and I knew my wife had not seen her either, seeing her live was on both of out the bucket lists... So I bought 2 tickets to surprise my wife. Well, after waiting years to see her... and then anticipating this concert and the anticipation of seeing the smile that was sure to be on my wife's face when she found out where I was taking her... We were both highly disappointed. The ticket said the concert started at 8pm. So, we figured an opening act and she would likely be on at 9pm-ish. So, we arrived at the venue at 7:45pm, hoping we could get a beverage, find our seats and enjoy the show. My wife is a nurse and had worked all day, was able to get out of work a little early with the kindness of her co-workers. She also had to get up today to work a 12 hour shift (sometimes these things cannot be avoided... we have to work). So, I was anticipating Madonna coming out at 9pm... Show lasting to 11-11:15pm and getting my wife home and tucked in bed before midnight (so she could get a little sleep before having to begin a 12 hour hectic day. Well, that didn't happen. The opening act didn't come out until 8:45pm... It was a DJ (was actually very good) and he played until 9:30pm-ish. Then we waited... and waited... and waited some more... About 10:45pm-ish after listening to the arena stereo system which played so long we actually heard Michael Jackson's 'Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' twice... People began to actually Boo! This was not the experience I was hoping for... Madonna finally came out on the stage somewhere around 11:10pm... With no explanation of why we were made to wait. I will say the dancers and theatrics were great but we were so fed up with the fact she had no respect for the time of the 18,000 people that paid money to see her... That we could not bring ourselves to cheer for her or truly enjoy the show... My wife was exhausted by that time (and I couldn't blame her... she had a long day). I was very disappointed that I spent a good amount of money hoping to give my wife an experience of a lifetime and Madonna's total lack of respect for fans just left us feeling disappointed (as we left shortly after midnight... Hearing 6 songs and a political rant that lasted 10 minutes). If you are going to show up 3 hours late, please leave the political rant off of the agenda and sing. I wish I could get my time and money back so I could redo the night and take my wife somewhere else, where we are appreciated. I was at the Coldplay concert earlier this year. Those guys are ALL CLASS! They were on time, they thanked the fans multiple times for spending their hard earned money to come see them. They said they wanted to make sure we left feeling we all got our money's worth. They had screens set up all over the arena so everyone (no matter where you were sitting) could enjoy the experience. These guys even set up a stage on the other side of the arena and played 4 songs there so people on that side (the back of the arena) were able to see them up close. One of the classiest groups I have ever seen. I actually felt like they wanted us there and made everyone feel part of the show. I will go see Coldplay anytime they are in town as I felt it was money well spent. Madonna in the other hand, was the complete opposite. We were made to feel like we should be honored we were in the building. We should wait all night is she so chooses. I have never been so disappointed in a concert in all my life. I will never attend another one of her concerts... and will make sure I let everyone know what a rotten experience seeing one of these shows is likely to be. I wish I never felt compelled to write this. I would have much rather had a great time/experience and spread that news to everyone I know. But I just feel everyone should be warned, as I know there is likely somebody out there that may think of spending $150-$200 to see this show or surprise their significant other. It is NOT worth it. The best part of her show was the ride home and my wife... and her thanking me for the evening... then we both laughed so hard at how awful it really was. It will be memorable (for all the wrong reasons... But memorable just the same). My advice/warning... save the money you might be thinking of spending on Madonna and wait until Coldplay comes to town. They will make it worth your time/money. Thank you, Brian
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