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About MarcelloOrcini

  • Birthday 01/16/1982

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  1. hey thx for the suggestion...i love the beth ditto EP as well when she does the madonna justify my love video parody for her song. SOOO GOOD!!!

    hope you are well and hugs from California!!


  2. I'm Brazilian. I live in Belo Horizonte M.G. We will not lose communication! And you have been to Brazil? Hugs ..

  3. marcello, thanks for your comment on my profile. it is a scary but, exciting first step. i appreciate your support!! i hope this finds you well and your world is equally exciting. 5*'s for you my friend. take care and please stay in touch. where do you live?

    ciao from san francisco!!

  4. Hi.. Salut... Olá... Hola...

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