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Status Replies posted by madonnasworld

  1. TRUTH or DARE...

    1. madonnasworld


      have a great week ! XXOO

  2. Truth: The 1st fragrance of M's is a bit too strong for my liking...Dare: Yes, I've sprayed it on me...and I'm slowly diggin it. Ya need to lightly spray with this one!

  3. i hope icon can help us get in the superbowl halftime show, fingers crossed!

  4. Congrats on M winning the Golden Globe for Masterpiece. ***CENSORED*** Elton & David! Well deserved our Queen!

    1. madonnasworld


      ;) what a proud moment that was for all her fans! Well deserved, afterall she is a masterpiece!
  5. I don't like black and grey boards.

    1. madonnasworld


      I don't like tiny font

  6. i luv New yORK , i lUV nY, and if you dont like my attitude, then you can FFF off!

  7. I LOVE the new Intro Page for Icon with the picture from RAIN its so pretty!!!

  8. Lost all my friends on here since the relaunch, trying to get you back!

  9. Hey anyone on my list... How do I make it so that I dont have to approve the coments on my profile? HELP MEEEeeEEEeee Sing MeeEEeeeEEEeee WeeEeeeeEEE lol Okay thanks! Kiss!

  10. Hey anyone on my list... How do I make it so that I dont have to approve the coments on my profile? HELP MEEEeeEEEeee Sing MeeEEeeeEEEeee WeeEeeeeEEE lol Okay thanks! Kiss!

    1. madonnasworld


      Go to " my profile", then click on the profile tab, which is just below your name, then uncheck the first option on the right,

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Can't wait for new music! Madonna, waiting is the hardest thing!

  12. looking for a new job, anyone interested in hiring a hardworking Admin. Assist/ or Exec. Assist/?

    1. madonnasworld


      Lol, thanks brian just mail me the drive with instructions and I'll do it :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


  14. What's on your mind?

    1. madonnasworld


      thinking how much i'd like a watermelon martini right about now lol

  15. I miss all my icon friends! I'll be active soon xo on a business trip!

    1. madonnasworld


      Thanks for the kind words, all the best to you, congrats on the grand child! What wonderful news! ;) regards, j

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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