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Hello guys,


Today I was finding news about our wonderful queen, and I found a happy notice, I don't know if this will be true or it is a simple rumor, but I wish that this will be true.

So the news said:


"Like a Prayer album could be released again with inedited musics and show for celebrate the 25 years that this albun was realesed,


and more the notice said:


"Fans, take a deep breath!!! According to rumors, Madonna and Wanner label would be planning for a big celebration of Like a Prayer album. When? The next year for celebrate the 25 years of the released this album.

Beyond of album, it will have with a bonus some unreleased tracks that They were produced during of conception of the album, but discarded in final selection(...)"


and more....I really would wait this will be true:


"For celebrate the best way, Madge will be planning to do some shows with the musics these album."


And The notice said too:


"Pepsi could be involved also and It will do an ureleased of comercial that Madge did in releasing of Like a Prayer a 25 yeas ago."


Now Let's to wait and to hope that this will be true...Maybe I think that this is false because Madge has a contract with Live Nation...


Recommended Comments

I hope it's true...Madonna deserves recognition for all her efforts...She has earned this respect many times...

Yeah, You are right, Let's to hope for this!!!! 

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