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Erotica goes back and forth with Bedtime Stories as my favorite Madonna album.  To me when this album came out it was so different from anything she has ever done.  It sounded real stripped down almost like playing a vinyl record, just like the opening of the song Erotica had surface noise of putting the needle on the vinyl.  To me this album has really stood the test of time, my favorite tracks are Erotica, Words, Rain, Waiting, Bad Girl, Deeper and Deeper, Thief of Hearts and Bye Bye Baby.  Th



I'm Breathless

I know a lot of fans don't like this album and I always wondered why.  To me this was an amazing album that really showed off her singing skills.  One of the best tracks Sooner or Later, which won the Oscar for best song is one of M's best songs.  When I first bought this CD I was thinking what the ***CENSORED*** was she thinking doing an album like this.  But after repeated listens it really grew on me and to this day it is one of my favorite Madonna albums.  The only track on this album that



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