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Merry Christmas

Hello Madge and all fans of our wonderful queen!!!!   I wish for u.... Happiness a lot Serenity everyday! Success in each time of your life! Good Friends for all times! Love that never finished! Good regards of everything what was lived! A way that guide you until a gorgeous future!   Merry Christmas!!!!



Madonna and Leggo?

Is it possible, Madonna and Leggo? It is...   Watching, this is incredible....     Hung up   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDwb9jOVRtU (official)   (Leggo)  Like a Prayer   (official)  (Leggo)



New album in soon...

Hi ICONers   Madonna confirmed that She is working in new album. The confirmation was during the opening of Hard Candy Academy in Japan. YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaH!!!! Hapiness for our hearts and ears!   In this link there is her interview:   http://madonnaonline.com.br/2014/02/12/madonna-confirma-que-trabalha-em-novo-album/



New Album? Can be?

Hello Guys, one more time I was searching news about our queen and I found a news in this site in portuguese: http://www.cifraclubnews.com.br/noticias/71219-novo-album-de-madonna-deve-ser-lancado-ainda-esse-ano.html   So, this site said: It is possible that Madge makes a new album in this year, and fonts say that They would like an album how the “I’m Breathless”, because Madonna could show your good voice, but fonts said that Madonna want something different.   OH MY GOD!!!! I wait that th



The Madge's Birthday is coming...and Madge...

Hello guys, How I found a good interview with Madonna, I decided to post. Many things that She said, We already know, but...It's wonderful heard again. In short this interview is about the magnific career and life of Madge, told for her. And how her birthday is coming...I decided to post. My love for Madge don't summarize about her musics, her videos, her books, her tours. My love for Madge is: for her life, for her example for all people that want to achieve a dream how She achieved. Madge is



Music of Madge

Hello guys....   Many stupid people ask, why is Madonna the queen and the others singers, don't ? This ask does me so angry... The first time I want to F*CK these people, but I calm down and I answer...Because Madge has songs that they never will be forgotten, and I ask who is the pop singer that does success for 30 years and everybody already listened to speak something about her/his, there aren't. Ok, Michael Jackson, He was and He is a king, but a woman? Who? This is sure that is MADONNA



Madonna_ The wonderful mother

Hello guys in June, 1, Madonna presented The Time of change, and She was wonderful in her speech about the girls education. Madge showed your beautiful opnion in that all girls and kids needs of education and They have the direct of studies. Madonna is the wonderful and we can considered her how a wonderful mother and a big mother of everybody because she cares about all children in the world. These attitudes of Madge, only does the love and admirations of her fans increase for her. Thanks M




Hi guys,     I decided to put the video that I watch in the youtube, about the speech of our wonderful queen at the Billboard music, this a complement for the other blog that I posted;     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Julm18ma1oo       Watching!!!



Mother's day

Hello guys,         I wish for all the mother, a happy Mother's day!!! And I wish a Happy mother's day for our queen that besides the She is an excellent and wonderful singer, actress, dancer, director,She is a wonderful mother for her children.       Congrats Mothers!!!



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